Title and author
Master Conflict Without Being a B!T@H
Dr. Judy Morley
Photo of the author
Author biography
Dr. Judy Morley is a popular speaker, entrepreneur and author whose compassionate heart, entertaining style, and quick wit sets her apart. With an extensive background in executive leadership, organizational development and franchising, she speaks to audiences in both the nonprofit and business sectors. Holding advanced degrees in history and interdisciplinary psychology, Dr. Morley is the author of multiple books and articles and has been featured in several documentaries, including MPower: Empowering Women in Business and Beyond. From creative entrepreneurs and C-suite executives to the front-line employees and nonprofit changemakers, Judy has proven solutions for enhancing your leadership strategies.
Book description
“How to Master Conflict without Being a Bitch.”
topics (being fleshed out) would include:
* Managing our emotions
* Setting clear expectations
* Kindly holding people accountable
* Overcoming excuses
* Ending unproductive relationships productively
Target audience
The audience would be mostly women, particularly women in leadership roles who are struggling to advance. I see that age group to be 25-50, which is broad, but they really need it. It would include both corporate and entrepreneurial women, as all women in leadership seem to struggle with addressing conflict and holding people accountable. Although it’s mostly women, when I’ve talked to several men, they’ve said they would pick up the book, just to see the strategies.
Physical book details
Book cover type
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
Front cover details
Back cover
- Blurb
- Publisher’s details
- Barcode/ISBN
- Author biography
Back cover details
We can talk about this later. Would rather focus on front cover for now.
- Title
- Author’s name
- Publisher’s logo
Spine details
We can talk about this later. Would rather focus on the front cover for now.
Book publisher
Lightning Source / IngramSpark
Visual style
Design inspiration
Colors to explore
Other color requirements
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
****We are revising these instructions to call for a design that is more creative and original. Not just all-font because they might be too boring. We are open. Feel free to use all of your creativity. We want a powerful, but also attractive and appealing, and original.
(Note: We have an istock account, so you can use low-res and we can always provide you with the high-res later...)
5 x 8" paperback
mostly an all-type treatment, but open to design ideas
minimalist style
easy to read
appeal to women, but men too
What to avoid
avoid anything too trite or cliche, but it can be creative and interesting, original
avoid featuring a picture of a person
avoid being "too" gender-specific, but it can lean female
Stock images
Client is not sure if they want stock images used in this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please declare stock when you submit designs so that clients can pay for licenses.
Contest deliverables
1 x Physical book cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.