NK Craniofacial performs reconstructive surgery on children's faces and needed a logo that will make kids smile.
I designed two little hero characters as part of the new branding. They are funny, playful, adventurous, not too 'picture-perfect' and happy.
The heroes 'batch' is using the C from Craniofacial and Center ... but turns it into a smile.
This logo concept is versatile. It can be brought to life in various ways.
In the mockups I am trying to provide a few of many examples of how the branding can work in various settings. That way the kids can become part of the heroes adventures in various ways (providing entertainment that relates to the 2 little heroes and offering them a chance to create their own and becoming a little hero themselves).
When a bit more formal is needed, the logo badge and brand name can very well be used without the characters.